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Nucleopolyhedrovirus(NPV) is divided into Group I and Group II based on the phy-logenetic analysis.It has been reported that Group I NPVs such as Autographa californica multiple NPV(AcMNPV) can transduce mammalian cells,while Group II NPVs such as Helicoverpa armigera single NPV(HaSNPV) cannot.Here we report that AcMNPV was capable of stimulating antiviral ac-tivity in human hepatoma cells(SMMC-7721) manifested by inhibition of Vesicular Stomatitis virus(VSV) replication.In contrast,the HaSNPV and the Spodoptera exigua multiple NPV(SeMNPV) of group II had no inhibitory effect on VSV.Recombinant AcMNPV was shown to induce interferons al-pha/beta even in the absence of transgene expression in human SMMC-7721 cells,while it mediated transgene expression in BHK and L929 mammalian cells without an ensuing antiviral activity.  相似文献   
A developing trophic mismatch between the peak of energy demands by reproducing animals and the peak of forage availability has caused many species'reproductive success to decrease.The match-mismatch hypothesis(MMH)is an appealing concept that can be used to assess such fitness consequences.However,concerns have been raised on applying the MMH on capital breeders such as reindeer because the reliance on maternal capita rather than dietary income may mitigate negative effects of changing phenologies.Using a long-term dataset of reindeer calving dates recorded since 1970 in a semidomesticated reindeer population in Finnish Lapland and proxies of plant phenology;we tested the main hypothesis that the time lag between calving date and the plant phenology in autumn when females store nutrient reserves to finance reproduction would lead to consequences on reproductive success,as the time lag with spring conditions would.As predicted,the reproductive success of females of the Kutuharju reindeer population was affected by both the onset of spring green-up and vegetative senescence in autumn as calves were born heavier and with a higher first-summer survival when the onset of the vegetation growth was earlier and the end of the thermal growing season the previous year was earlier as well.Our results demonstrated that longer plant growing seasons might be detrimental to reindeer's reproductive success if a later end is accompanied by a reduced abundance of mushrooms.  相似文献   
瘢痕是创伤修复的必然结果影响,瘢痕的产生,发展的因素很多,虽然国内外学者在病理性瘢痕领域研究取得了一些进展,但其确切的发病机制仍未完全清楚,目前对治疗瘢痕的研究主要集中在生化,细胞水平,对分子机制和基因水平的研究还在不断的深入,人们对细胞因子在瘢痕形成方面起了关键的调节作用这一观点已逐步形成共识,并将细胞因子引入瘢痕的治疗中.常见的细胞因子在抗瘢痕中的应用也将成为可能.本文主要介绍了常见细胞因子的在创面修复中的生物学特征及抗瘢痕的研究情况.  相似文献   
从大庆油田地层水中分离到一组能高效产生生物表面活性剂的菌株,采用sfp基因PCR鉴定的方法从中分离到一株芽孢杆菌ZW-3,该菌株能够产生大量表面活性物质,采用细菌生理生化鉴定结合16S rDNA序列的系统发育学分析确定该菌株为枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis),通过薄层层析色谱(TLC)、高效液相色谱(HPLC)分析其代谢产物,初步鉴定为脂肽(Lipopeptide);该脂肽生物表面活性剂理化性质显示它能使培养基的表面张力从68.92mN/m降低25.19mN/m、原油/水的界面张力从23.53mN/m降低到4.57mN/m,与1.8%的NaOH溶液复配可以将油水界面张力降低到1.2×10-3 mN/m,其临界胶束浓度为33.3mg/L(3.24×10-5 mol/L),并具有较好的乳化活性和发泡性能,说明该菌株代谢的脂肽生物表面活性剂在提高石油采收率中具有广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   
吴程  常学秀  董红娟  李地福  刘军燕 《生态学报》2008,28(6):2595-2595~2603
由于生物法,尤其是水生植物化感控藻方法在治理水体富营养化及水华现象中具有多方面的优势,近年来该领域的理论和技术研究备受世界各国关注.采用初始添加种植水和连续添加种植水的方法,研究挺水型粉绿狐尾藻对铜绿微囊藻的化感抑藻效应,并从光合作用的角度探讨其对铜绿微囊藻化感抑制的生理生态机制及作用靶点.研究结果表明:粉绿狐尾藻能够分泌某些化感物质有效抑制铜绿微囊藻的正常生长,其抑藻效应是通过连续释放某些化感物质作用于铜绿微囊藻而实现的,且具有累积性;粉绿狐尾藻分泌化感物质对铜绿微囊藻的Chl a、PC及APC的损伤程度存在差异(如处理5 d后,Chl a、PC、APC的相对含量分别降至52.7%、15.3%、7.6%),其中藻胆蛋白(尤其是APC)比Chl a 更为敏感,说明藻胆蛋白是粉绿狐尾藻化感物质抑制铜绿微囊藻的关键靶点.研究为水生植物化感控藻技术的发展提供了新的材料,并有助于深入了解水体生态系统的化学生态作用及其机制.  相似文献   
惠州城市植被的滞尘效应   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
邱媛    管东生    宋巍巍  Peart M.R. 《生态学报》2008,28(6):2455-2455~2462
城市植被对城市环境质量的改善发挥了巨大作用.研究了广东省惠州市不同功能区4种主要绿化乔木(大叶榕、小叶榕、高山榕、紫荆)的滞尘能力,比较了不同功能区叶面降尘的重金属和S含量差异,并利用遥感影像技术估算了惠州城市植被的地面总生物量及叶总生物量,推算了惠州市的总滞尘量.结果表明:在达到饱和之前,4种绿化乔木叶面滞尘量随时间延长而增长,大叶榕、高山榕与紫荆、小叶榕两组植物的滞尘能力存在显著性差异 (p<0.05),滞尘能力差异为1.2~2.44 倍,不同植物滞尘量由大到小排列为:高山榕>大叶榕>小叶榕>紫荆;不同植物滞尘能力的差异尤其与植株的叶面积、叶倾角、枝条硬度、枝条伸展角度等相关.不同功能区植物滞尘量差异显著(p<0.01),4种植物在不同功能区的滞尘总量排序为:工业区>商业交通区>居住区>清洁区.不同功能区植物叶面降尘的重金属和硫含量存在显著性差异(p<0.05),降尘综合污染指数由大到小为:工业区(包括电厂)、商业交通区、居住区、清洁对照区;降尘中重金属含量高负荷.惠州建成区植被的地面生物量为3.2×105 t,叶面积总量为808.4 km2,全年滞尘量达4430.7 t,可去除大气中Cr、Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb、S的量分别为1.63,2.70,5.54,0.04,1.84,19.52 t.  相似文献   
城市周边生活污水排放对绿地土壤环境质量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田媛  杨昕  花伟军  刘传 《生态学报》2008,28(2):742-748
大城市郊区的小型居住区,将生活污水未经处理直接排入附近的绿地是比较常见的.这种直接排放虽然利用了有限水源,但对绿地土壤带来环境影响.为了研究这类排放对周边土壤环境的影响,选择了京郊一处接受附近生活污水直接排放的绿地,取其污水排放口附近的土壤样品为实验对象,以远离该点的土样为对照来研究生活污水排放对周边土壤环境质量的影响.模糊聚类分析结果表明:与对照点相比,生活污水排放提高了排放口附近土壤的养分含量,土壤pH值由8.9降低至7.32,有机质含量由1.7873%提高到5.9455%,钾含量由220 mg/kg提高到1230 mg/kg,磷含量由11.8 mg/kg提高到150.72mg/kg,全氮含量由0.1078%提高到0.5325%,重金属铅含量由52.87 mg/kg提高到129.53mg/kg、镉含量由0.7525mg/kg提高到2.5692mg/kg.铅含量达到了国家二级标准,而镉含量超过了国家三级标准,存在严重的土壤环境污染.  相似文献   
哈尔滨市街道绿化的生态效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究街道绿地组成与结构对城市环境和小气候的影响,对城市街道绿地的绿化设计具有重要的理论与实践意义.分别在2006年春、夏、秋不同季节,调查了哈尔滨市南直路、长江路、上坞路3条新建宽域街道与绿化相关的生态指标,并运用灰色关联度分析法,分析了新建街道的绿化生态效应.结果表明:在日变化规律和季节变化规律中,街道绿化树种的生态效应在不同街道、不同季节、一天中不同时段分别达到各自的极值;长江路夏季12:00-14:00达到降温极值、春季16:00-18:00出现遮光度极值、7:00-8:00出现负离子增加极值、11:00-13:00达到增湿极值,秋季16:00-18:00出现CO2吸收量极值、11:00-13:00达到噪音衰减量极值,南直路秋季11:00-13:00出现滞尘量极值;在不同季节生态效应的关联规律中,3条街道都在夏季表现出最佳总体绿化生态效应.灰色关联度分析表明,不同街道的总体绿化生态效应不同,以上坞路的总体绿化生态效应最为显著.街道绿化形式与模式不同,其生态效应也显著不同,街道绿地组成与结构对街道生态效应的发挥有较大影响.  相似文献   
This article discusses the influence of phenology-related intraseasonal asynchrony on metapopulation dynamics and stability. As the part played by intraseasonal asynchrony is as yet unclear and poorly described, greater account of it should be taken in both metapopulation research and conservation practice. The subpopulations of the Parnassius mnemosyne metapopulation studied here are strongly isolated because of the phenological shift between them, despite the relatively small physical distances between them. This isolation is the result of a significant temporal shift in the species' flight periods in the main metapopulation centers: in som e seasons its flight times in the different subpopulations did not overlap at all. The predicted results of such strong intraseasonal asynchrony are not altogether clear. On the one hand, they reduce the vulnerability of the entire metapopulation to the effects of short-term random disasters. On the other, the ever-greater isolation of subpopulations may cause the metapopulation to becom e a nonequilibrium one, which will have a serious impact on its long-term survival.  相似文献   
Dispersal is a central aspect of the ecology, evolution, and conservation of species. Predicting how species will respond to changing environmental conditions requires understanding factors that produce variation in dispersal. We explore one source of variation, differences between sexes within a spatial population network. Here, we compare the dispersal patterns of male and female Parnassius smintheus among 18 subpopulations over 8 years using the Virtual Migration Model. Estimated dispersal parameters differed between males and females, particularly with respect to movement through meadow and forest matrix habitat. The estimated dispersal distances of males through forest were much less than for females. Observations of female movement showed that, unlike males, females do not avoid forest nor does forest exert an edge effect. We explored whether further forest encroachment in this system would have different effects for males and females by fitting mean parameter estimates to the landscape configuration seen in 1993 and 2012. Despite differences in their dispersal due presumably to both habitat and physiological differences, males and females are predicted to respond in similar ways to reduced meadow area and increased forest isolation.  相似文献   
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